I am excited to report that this issue marks the 7th Anniversary of Coverage Opinions. In traditional terms, that’s the copper anniversary. On the modern list, 7th is the desk set anniversary. I swear I’m not making that up. The desk set anniversary. Check it out. If you are thinking about a gift, I could use a new kettle, as well as some new toilet pipes. Either one is fine. I don’t need a desk set, but thanks anyway.
Of course, there could be no seven-year anniversary to mark if it were not for you – the dear Coverage Opinions reader. I can’t thank CO readers enough for taking the time to do so, despite having such busy schedules and being inundated with other newsletters, and the like, competing for their time.
I also appreciate all of the reader email that I receive – mostly positive, but sometimes taking me to task for something I said or didn’t say -- and that’s fine too. I am also lucky for the friendships that I have made with CO readers who reached out about something they saw. Drop me a note. I’ll respond. I’ll be happy to do so.
Please accept my sincere appreciation for enabling me to send a Coverage Opinions seven-year anniversary announcement.
Comments, questions, criticism, hate mail, how’s my driving, ideas for making Coverage Opinions better -- I’m all ears. Please write to me at maniloff@coverageopinions.info.