The 26th Annual West Coast Casualty Construction Defect Seminar is being held from May 9-10, 2019 at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. Yes, 26th annual! There are CD claims that were going on at the first seminar that have still not been resolved two and a half decades later.
With 1,500 attendees, this is the must-attend construction defect seminar for all those involved with construction defect litigation and claims -- insurers, coverage lawyers, plaintiff’s counsel, defense counsel and those on the science and technology side of CD. This is the Davos of construction defect seminars.
I am delighted to announce that attendees of this year’s West Coast Casualty Construction Defect Seminar will receive a complimentary copy of the 4th edition of General Liability Insurance Coverage – Key Issues In Every State!! How exciting is that!
I’ll be there at Disney and I know I’ll see some CO subscribers. It’s a small world, after all.
More information about the 26th Annual West Coast Casualty Construction Defect Seminar is here: