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Vol. 8 - Issue 11
December 18, 2019


ISO Introduces Several New Additional Insured Endorsements

Saxe, Doernberger & Vita Provide A Summary


A lot of law firms send email blasts about new coverage decisions.  I’ve long been a fan of the ones that come from Connecticut’s Saxe Doernberger & Vita.  They write about interesting and relevant topics and get their blasts out very soon after the decision.  They are often the first to report on it.  Quite simply, when it comes to new case blasts, they do it right.

The firm handles a lot of additional insured cases.  So it is no surprise that SD&V wrote the first article that I’ve seen that addresses several new additional insured endorsements issued by the policy drafting gang at ISO (effective December 1).  The endorsements cover several areas, but, of course, a substantial impact will be felt in the context of construction-related injuries and damages.   

It will be a long time -- a really long time -- before these endorsements make their way into decisions.  It’ll take a while for many insurers to adopt them -- years in fact, if ever, for some. Then there need to be disputes, litigation and decisions.  For now, they are more relevant for underwriters in deciding the scope of AI coverage to be offered.

Here is SD&V’s explanation of the new ISO AI endorsements:


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