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Coverage Opinions
Effective Date: November 27, 2013
Vol. 2, Iss. 22
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Declarations: The Coverage Opinions Interview With Brian Rodgers, Corporate Director of Safety And Risk Management For Butterball, LLC
The Man Who Gets Your Turkey Safely To The Thanksgiving Table

Thanksgiving is a holiday filled with risk. Aunt Gertrude might sit down in front of you, blocking the television and start to ask you how you are doing, just as the Lions have the ball in the red zone and the game has big implications for your fantasy football team. But there is one aspect of Thanksgiving that causes no concern. Nobody ever worries that the turkey won’t be safe. And for that we can thank Brian Rodgers, Corporate Director of Safety and Risk Management for Butterball, LLC and his team of other safety and risk professionals.

Thanksgiving And Insurance Coverage: They Go Together Like Peas And Carrots
Insurance coverage gets no rest – even on one of the most restful and lazy days of the year. Consider the amount of coverage litigation over the years involving Thanksgiving and its many symbols.

Randy Spencer’s Open Mic: Uncomfortable Thanksgiving Tables -
Insurance Coverage And Relatives Who Don’t Like Each Other

The reason why the first Thanksgiving was so successful was because the people sitting around the table didn’t know each other well enough to dislike one another. Here are some examples of liability coverage cases involving people who will be having uncomfortable family dinners on Thursday.

Update On The Insurance Personalized License Plate Contest:
Take a look at some real insurance related personalized license plates from Coverage Opinions readers.

P-Ution Exclusion: OK, So Just What Is "Traditional Environmental Pollution?"
Courts usually do a thorough job of interpreting the absolute pollution exclusion. But many that determine to limit its applicability to “traditional environmental pollution” skimp on the definition of that term. By providing nothing more than sound bites as to what qualifies as “traditional environmental pollution,” litigants in future cases are left to guess if the pollution exclusion applies.

CGL Coverage For Cyber And Data Breach Claims
Recent Decision And Article Are Worthy Of Note

Until specialty cyber policies or ISO’s data breach exclusions are widespread, efforts will be made by companies to find coverage for cyber losses under the policies that they do have at their disposal, namely, commercial general liability.

Does "Ongoing Operations” Include “Completed Operations?"
The question whether liability was caused by “ongoing” or “completed” operations has been a significant one in the asbestos arena. The issue also arises in a less high-profile scenario – possibly determining the availability of coverage for an additional insured for a construction defect related claim. The issue is aptly demonstrated in a recent decision.

New York Federal Court Allows For Reimbursement Of Defense Costs
A couple of recent cases (one very recent) demonstrate that New York is starting to gain traction as a state that allows for reimbursement of defense costs.

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